Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What is an It Works! Mommy?

Hey everyone!

Their are two things I LOVE to do in my life! Thats Running my home based business and being a mom! Believe it or not these go hand in hand! I think thats what drew me to do network marketing in the first place! the ability to merge the best of both worlds! I wanted to just take a sec and share my experience of this!

So Last month October 2014 I celebrated my 3 year mark! My daughter actually turned a year and a half last month as well! This means that i have not only spent half my time childless in this company but also half my time with a child! I obviously haven't ever worked a 9-5 standard job but i wanna share my experience of being a Work At Home Mom! These are my favorite things about what i do in correlation to being a mom!

1. My time. Being able to truly decide when to work or not to work has to be the cherry on top! Their will occasionally be things that I just can't hide from doing or be flexible but this takes place like once a week. The rest of the week its a work when I want kinda job!

2. Family first. I love that i can ACTUALLY put my family first! when I start my month I look at what as a family we have and then I feel in the blank spaces from their with business. What other job actually is like "hey put your family stuff in the calendar and you won't work those days" No job ever! lol

3. A part of every moment. I haven't missed very many milestones if not any with my daughter! What i love about my business is people WANT to see you put your family first and typically are okay with your kids coming along! Majority of woman who start this business are moms and if I want to be able to impress moms by what i do then that means being honest and vulnerable and show that children are an important part of my business and are more then welcome!

4. Finally being paid to be a mom. This one is just a funny observation! But i truly feel like i am getting paid to be a mom! I mean I lost all this weight post baby and instead of normal moms who get a high fives.... I've signed over 28 customers which equals $$$. I get paid to build friendships! I literally LOOK for mommy activities and new ways to make MORE friends! I don't go to these activities with catalogues in hand and business cards...... I do wear my business shirt but legitimately  going and be friending others allows me to build a trust with others and if ever any of those new friends mention anything about their health weight or wanting more money! I am that person they can trust to assist them with that!

Being a mom is a ONE SHOT JOB! We only have 18 years to soak up the ups and downs of this amazing role! Don't be afraid to pursue something that may take some hard work and sacrifice at first but long term can equal unlimited snuggles kisses and financial freedom for your entire family!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

How I did it! 1 year on It works! Products!

So everyone is wanting the details of my product results so here it is!

First pic was taken Oct 20 2013! 2 days before my 23 birthday and 9 months post having my daughter!

I took this picture because I was just sick of not fitting in any clothes correctly and being a public figure I wanted to be some one who inspires my team and family and friends to take on their health! So I decided enough was enough. I have INCREDIBLE products I sell and I encourage everyone I meet to take them yet..... I wasn't taking them? 

Like really.......wake UP RACHAEL! Haha

So I decided to open up my closet and take the products seriously!

The first two months on the products was my most weight change of nearly 25 pounds! I went from 189 to 162 pounds during thanksgiving and Christmas! this was with no exercise but this is when I cut out sweets and junk food (for the most part) also! I have this rule that I don't buy sweets or junk food...... But I nibble on some of it when I'm at others house! But I just can't buy it! (Makes sense right lmbo) so this is JUST it works products!

First two months!!

After this I started working with a personal trainer Sabrina Estes 2 days a week in January! I was a size 12 at this point! We worked together off and on for about 3 1/2 months! She was awesome and without her I wouldn't of gotten over that plateau of not being some one who works out to actually being comfortable working out and knowing what I'm doing!

About June is when I started pole fitness. Again only going 0-3 times a week. It was around this time I learned about the Dukan diet. I followed it for 7 days it was awesome. I do not strictly do it any more but because of doing it for 7 days I saw what a powerful woman I was and learned that true weight loss success starts in the kitchen. So I began to embrace the concepts of this diet which allowed me to find my FAVORITE meal and this is what it is!

My Secret Recipe:

You can use canned tuna, canned chicken or canned salmon.

Mix in 2 table spoons of mustard with one table spoon of olive oil or low fat mayo.

Add in a favorite nut, dried cranberries (negative calories) celery (negative calories)

Then I just add some of my mix on top of spinach  (which is a negative calorie food also!) 

This is one of my FAVORITE meals it gets all your main food groups and it's delicious and cheap and you can pretty much have unlimited of it!! 

From here I would do youtube exercises any chance I would get, do lunges, I would do wall sits. I'm a busy mom, wife and successful business owner so any little chance to get small calories burned was perfect!

November is when I officially started defining gel consistently! I under estimated this product! But look at the two pics and you'll see how much it Un bloated me, and toned up my tummy smoothed my legs and skin out and even decreased my stretch marks even more! And opened up my belly button! The first pic was taken late October while in bora bora and this last pic today Dec 1st! 

Let's get down to the supplements:

So I took multiple recommended doses of Thermofit. Because of FDA regulations I can't be specific about how many. But play around with your body type and seek a nutritionist. I took the dose I found worked for me 3x a day. And if I forgot 1 day I added that days to my next days amount and I made sure by months end I took all my pills and didn't miss a dose.

Greens: I did one serving to two servings daily! in just water typically as a shot.

Wraps: 1 a week occasionally one every two weeks occasionally more! This was not a scheduled product.

Defining gel: just started but morning and night! I don't just rub it in but actually massage it deep in! Especially on my cellulite areas!

I never EVER stopped my supplements! EVER!! Many months my diet was horrible or I didn't exercise even once! But I took my products!!! This was for sure key in my journey!

I have also NEVER stepped foot in a gym or on exercise equipment. I found I need to love the exercise I do or I would make excuses. So this is a pole fitness, home work outs personal trainer body. No gym required!

I drank enough water!!! You wouldn't believe what enough water can do! Especially on supplements you need lots of water or else the supplements are use less and won't work. 

I love the It works! Products and whole heartedly beleive in them! They are affordable! They are non GMO and plant based! Everything that brings joy to me! Don't complicate taking the products and JUST TAKE THEM!!

So that's my journey this year! It's been amazing!!!! It wasn't as hard as I thought! But when your ready for change you jut know it!!

I will be starting profit and New You now and working on losing my last 3% body fat and toning up!

Follow this blog to watch my journey progress!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ready to Lose the Rest and Be My BEST!

WOW! I can't believe that I am officially in a size 6 jeans! Its been over 2 1/2 years since I have been in these jeans! I officially started my journey November 2013! after my daughter was 9 months old at this time, I was just depressed! I am a successful business owner in a health and supplement company and a public figure. I am IT WORKS! my body is a walking advertisement for my business........YET! I was afraid of taking on my own health!

I guess I was scared. Questions filled my mind......

What if the products don't work.......

What if I start and quit, then people will think the products quit....... or they may know I'm a quiter!

What if I'm not strong enough to stay away from donuts........ (Real problem!!)

What if  hate everything healthy........

exercise...... UGH....... (no explanation needed)

I know some of these sound funny. But for real I was really worried about many things! But when it came down to it I had to realize that being beautiful starts with being healthy! So many public figures are beautiful but how they get their is un healthy. 

From eating disorders, to long hours at the gym to strict dieting! Do these people get that the average person looking to get healthy are moms, working families, families who already balance: kids, kids activities, work and having real family time date nights ect. I mean I'm all for 3 hours at the gym every day but thats NOT realistic for the general population.

The general population is like me! We already struggle with having enough time! But I wanted to show all my friends family and fans that even us busy families can make this happen! But ONLY if we are willing to sacrifice the four "S's" Sleep, Sweat, sweets and supplements!

Sleep: if your like me then, the only personal time we will have is waking up early! I have to wake up early  to get anything done quickly and before mommy brain turns on! (moms you can relate) Many of you may be thinking. OH! ill stay up late instead........ NO! Im sorry but I will tell you. You can not fight this one in my book. I ready a book called "The morning miracle" by hal elrod CHANGED MY LIFE! I now wake up early to do anything thats a priority on my list! If you still don't think morning is necessary.... read the book! i promise you will never question this again!

Sweat: I know I know! I hate multiple showers, let alone our hair! But ladies we have to sweat if we wanna the rocking body! again! no way around this!

Sweets: Ladies! I know the sweet addiction is a real thing! Im already working on a STA group (sweet Treats Anonymous) but till then. PUT DOWN THE SUGAR!! I can tell you cutting out sugar will have you losing weight with out much else!

Supplements: Now we aren't sacrificing the supplements but we are sacrificing the excuses that keep us from taking them consistently! what ever the issues ith them.... cut it out! Figure it out! The "I forget" excuse will not fly any more! Heres a great short article with some ideas! HERE

all the above were vital in my success! NOW! today I am 25 pounds down but I am soggy! haha which is my way of saying I wanna lose about 3% more body fat and tone up! and definitely BOOTY UP!

So you have watched me this last year lose "most" the weight and now you get to watch me lose the rest and have my body be ITS BEST! Im excited for my journey and to see what this will do for me!!! I encourage you to join me in the fun, support me and be inspired! and take back your life!! and remember that Beauty Starts With Healthy!

Rachael Newkirk

Follow my Co- partner on this journey Chelsea Taylor! HERE